Special Report: Scripture Union Volunteers Return from South Africa Mission

A team of 16 volunteers have just returned from a six month placement in South Africa – and many have been transformed!

|PIC1|The team took part in Scripture Union’s Action Abroad programme, where volunteers live and work abroad, often in under-privileged areas, to introduce children and young people to Jesus in a way that’s relevant to their needs and community.

The Action Abroad South Africa team spent the majority of their time working in schools – teaching lifeskills, running clubs and missions, and helping Scripture Union South Africa with their own projects.

One volunteer, Dale Wason, from Milton Keynes believes the experience taught him many things. "I learned lessons which I never thought I would," he said.

"It’s been really exciting and inspiring to see myself and others grow during the placement."

Another of the volunteers, Hannah Mills, from Birmingham, said that getting close to people and helping them tackle the situations they face was a privilege.

|AD|"Getting to the point where you could talk to the young people about really deep issues was the most rewarding thing," said Hannah. "It brought me so much joy."

The team have been supported in prayer by families, friends and supporters of Scripture Union throughout the placement and this wasn’t lost on the volunteers as they leant to live outside their comfort zones.

"I don’t know how the work could have gone on without the prayer support behind us," said Hannah.

The team are currently settling back into life at home, and many are excited about the opportunities the experience has given them. "I can’t wait to tell people what I’ve been doing," said Dale. "Sharing my experiences is a perfect opportunity to evangelise – especially when I go to university."

Scripture Union’s International Placements Manager Elizabeth Fewkes, organiser of Action Abroad placements, isn’t surprised by the positive transformation within the team. "It’s always wonderful to see the changes in the volunteers when they return," she said. "They leave expecting to give so much, and they do, but when they come back they realise how much they have been transformed themselves."

Scripture Union is an international mission movement working with churches in more than 140 countries to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to children, young people and families, and to encourage them to develop spiritually through the Bible and prayer.

[Editor's Note: Dale Wason of Scripture Union submitted this report to Christian Today]