'Spider-Man' star Tom Holland to star as Nathan Drake in 'Uncharted' film adaptation

The film adaptation will serve as a prequel to the series and Shawn Levy has been tied to direct."Uncharted" official website

It looks like Tom Holland has entered Hollywood's most wanted list as he has bagged another iconic role for himself. The 20-year old "Spider-Man: Homecoming" star has been reported to have signed on to play the lead role in the live-action film adaptation of the massively popular video game series, "Uncharted." Holland will be playing the infamous treasure hunter Nathan Drake and the film-to-be is said center on a young Drake and the events leading up to his fated meeting with his mentor and father figure, Victor "Sully" Sullivan.

The film was reportedly inspired by a game sequence from "Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception," thus making the film a prequel to the entire "Uncharted" series. Several films are going for the origin theme as well, including "Tomb Raider" where Alicia Vikander is set to star and even "Spider-Man: Homecoming."

It should be known that the "Uncharted" film has been in development for about eight years now beginning in 2008. With Holland set to star in the movie, it seems that there is no stopping the film from hitting the big screen. Shawn Levy ("Stranger Things," "Night at the Museum") is set to direct the film but before him, several directors have been attached to direct including David O. Russell who directed the Oscar-nominated film Silver Linings Playbook. The studio, however, is still looking for a writer to create a storyline.

It seems that Sony has taken quite a fascination with Holland, seeing that they had already entrusted him with the iconic Spider-Man role. Now, they will be attaching the young actor to another big franchise, so things are definitely looking up for him. Either way, fans of the game are sure to get thrilled by this latest development as most of them have been waiting for quite a long time to see "Uncharted" on the big screen.