Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction

Date: Mon 11th - Fri 15th April

Venue: Waverley Abbey House, Farnham, Surrey

Time: Mon 11th starts at 3:30pm and ends on Fri 15th April 2:30pm. Evening sessions end 9-9:30pm.

Fee: £350 residential; £290 non-residential

The five-day course is designed to equip people to help other people know and experience more of God. It will enable the participant to help someone who already knows God to know Him more deeply, practise his presence and yield more fully to His transforming grace.

In the mornings, there will be teaching sessions followed by facilitated workshops in the afternoon, all from a biblical perspective. Participants will be introduced to the process and some of the principles that underlie the ministry of spiritual direction. Topics included:

- The three convictions that lie at the heart of spiritual direction
- How to help others practise the presence of God
- The major roadblocks people meet on their spiritual journey
- The 10 characteristics of an effective spiritual director
- The process and procedure of spiritual direction
- The essential disease of the soul

Other Related Workshops/ Trainings:
The following additional courses in training for spiritual direction are strongly recommended:
Understanding Yourself, Understanding Others (Myers-Briggs Basic Workshop)

Plus either one of the following two courses:
Introduction to Biblical Pastoral Care and Counselling
Christ Empowered Living

For online booking, please visit the website. For further details, please email enquiries@waverleylearning.co.uk or call 01252 784774.