Nintendo 'Splatoon' release date; gameplay details revealed

Splatoon website

When Nintendo announced in last year's E3 convention that it would be producing a new title in the online multiplayer shooter genre, game observers had reservations on how the company would balance its reputation as a kid-friendly enterprise with the exciting — and most often mature-rated — online shooting environment. The company provided an answer, and that is the upcoming title "Splatoon."  

Indeed, the company managed to come up with an exciting, fun-filled action online shooter without the need to resort to military-style gameplay. In "Splatoon," players are treated to a kaleidoscope world with ink guns for weapons, a cast of cute characters, and where depleted health would mean human characters turning into squid-like creatures. 

In the most recent issue of Edge Magazine, the developers provided a sneak peek at what would become of the game, aside from the most recent news of the creators opting to launch the game sans the voice chat feature. 

The main plaza in the game is called Inkling City, or Highcolor City in Japanese. For the game modes, there is a single player campaign mode made up of around 15 levels, as well as either a local or online coop mode. For the multiplayer gameplay, the developers opted for a controlled multiplayer team mode with just four players each, the goal of which is to paint a territory with the team's own ink. Painting ink and splashing the other team's players will not kill them, but will just prevent them from painting their own ink, therefore limiting their ability to capture territories. 

The game also features a 1-on-1 local match, but instead of having a split screen display, one player needs to use the GamePad while the other one uses the Pro Controller. 

"Splatoon" will be released globally on May 29.