Sri Lanka Evangelicals Continue Fight Against Anti-Conversion Bills

A petition against the proposed anti-conversion bills in Sri Lanka have been brought to the spot-light as the second reading by the country's parliament is scheduled to take place on Friday 6th May. The UK-based human rights group Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has issued a statement today, reaffirming the strong opposition of evangelicals to the bills.

CSW describes the two bills currently before the Sri Lanka parliament that they would "severely limit evangelism and conversion to the Christian faith."

The bill that is due to go to a second reading in the parliament tomorrow was proposed by the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), a Buddhist nationalist party of monks.

According to CSW, the JHU bill, known as the "Prohibition of Forcible Conversions of Religions Bill", if enacted, would require individuals who convert from one religion to another to inform the local authorities within a prescribed period. Those who fail to notify the authorities can be imprisoned for up to five years or fined up to 150,000 Rupees (£1,800).

The law adds that "No person shall convert or attempt to convert, either directly or otherwise, any person from one religion to another by the use of force or by allurement or by any fraudulent means, nor shall any person aid or abet any such conversions." Up to five years imprisonment and a fine of up to 150,000 Rupees can result for those who breach this law.

Moreover, the law claimed to provide protection for the vulnerable such as women, physically or mentally disabled persons, prisoners, students, refugees or hospital patients from being converted by "fraudulent means". The penalty for those who attempt to do so is seven years imprisonment and 500,000 Rupees (£5,900) fine.

CSW is also greatly concerned by the second bill proposed by the Government, called the "Act for Religious Freedom". It stipulates that no person should "unethically convert or attempt to unethically convert any other person espousing one another religion, religious belief, religious persuasion or faith which such person does not hold or belong to." This bill has been postponed while the JHU bill is tested before Parliament.

Approximately 70 percent of the population in Sri Lanka are Buddhist, with only 8 percent being Christian. Christian churches have faced occasional resistance by extreme Buddhists, in particular evangelical Christian denominations are hindered in their activities. Extreme Buddhists have accused evangelicals of unethical and insensitive conduct regarding their mission works. Also due to their strong influence over the politics in the country, many criticisms have been made that they are now introducing laws with the aim to restrict the Christian movement.

Major Christian groups, including the Catholic Bishops Conference, the National Christian Council and the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL), are all trying their best to raise international awareness towards the alleged breach of religious freedom by the Sri Lankan parliament.

NCEASL expressed "deep concern and regret" at the latest developments. It reiterates their strong condemnation of any unscrupulous or unethical practices. CSW, in partnership with the NCEASL, has been lobbying hard to prevent either bill from becoming law.

The NCEASL commented in a statement that the bills would "enforce limitations on religious freedom, legitimise violence and harassment of minority religious groups and further de-fragment our already divided society."

The NCEASL also believes that "the tarnishing of our nation’s image as a human rights violator will cause irreparable damage to our economy - a luxury that we can ill afford at this time of national crisis."

Stuart Windsor, National Director of CSW, said, "We are deeply concerned that the Government’s anti-conversion bill is again before Parliament. This bill, if passed, would profoundly violate religious freedom in Sri Lanka."

"We oppose unethical conversions and are sensitive to the concerns of Buddhists in Sri Lanka. We have listened to their views, but we would encourage the Government to work with the churches and the other religious groupings to explore non-legislative options as a way forward. We urge Sri Lankan Parliamentarians to vote against this bill, and we will continue to campaign to that effect."