Sri Lanka's Religious Constitutional Amendment is Thwarted

It was reported that Sri Lanka’s parliament would debate on 4th October on an amendment to the Sri Lankan constitution that would make Buddhism the official state religion if passed. However, according to Voice of the Martyrs Canada, the day resulted in nothing happening because there was not enough support generated to hold the debate.

|TOP|“What they would rather do is to avoid controversy and upsetting the international community at this time, with the presidential elections at hand,” said VOM Canada’s Glenn Penner.

“The amendment did receive a great deal of publicity internationally, and the Sri Lankan government came under a great deal of heat for it, so they're backing off very quickly.”

The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), which translates to the National Heritage Party, is an organisation consisting entirely of Buddhist monks. The 19th amendment would make Buddhism the “official religion” and emphasises that “other forms of religions and worship may be practiced in peace and harmony with Buddha Sasana,” reported CSW.

In the past, freedom of religion has been protected by Article 10 of chapter 3 of the constitution. Therefore, the 19th amendment, if passed, poses a serious threat to freedom of religion.

Due to presidential elections this year, none of the politicians want to raise fury among the international community. Therefore, the proposals may be kept on hold which may instigate the JHU members.

However, the issue may begin to pick up again after the election cycle on 17th November. Most critics beleive that the JHU is unlikely to give up on the matter without a fight so there is concern for those involved in the ministry.

Penner urges Christians to remember their brothers and sisters there. "Pray for the believers there, that they would not suffer retaliation for this setback of the Buddhist agenda. There is concern, of course that, particularly in rural areas, Christians may suffer from some of the anger that Buddhists feel over being thwarted on this amendment."