'Star Wars Battlefront 3' news: More powerful weapons, Mos Eisley Cantina and snow

The newest Star Wars video game is not too far away.Wikipedia

Fans are anxiously waiting for "Star Wars 3 Battlefront," but it looks like they have to wait for another year to get their hands on the latest installment of the game. It will be published next year by Electronic Arts in partnership with DICE.

Aside from the highly-anticipated game, another title to look forward to is the "Star Wars: Episode VII" movie set to be released shortly after the launch of the game.

It is important to note that the game will not be revolving around the forthcoming movie even though the release dates of the two are not too far apart. As Patrick Soderland of Electronic Arts has confirmed, the traditional Star Wars movies will serve as "Star Wars Battlefront 3's" central theme, although the developers made sure not to leave out details from the movie that can be slipped in the game.

"What we're building is more rooted in the traditional Star Wars Universe and not so much necessarily linked to the movies being made," Soderland said.  "Obviously, there will be things in there that are somewhat tied to the new movie." 

The new game will endow its gamers with a set of weapons with higher caliber than its predecessor, and will require them to figure out a technique to get through the game.

Although fans haven't gotten close to any confirmation about the official date the game will be made public, developers have been updating everyone through their twitter accounts about trying out the game as well as what it has in store for them.

Viktor Lundberg is one of them who took an update on twitter, saying, "Me and @aeonstream just solved a piece of battlefront that no one will ever think of yet it was supervital. We used addition by addition."

Also, the character that Obi-Wan likes to address as the "wretched hive of scum and villainy"  will grace the game, while another talks about playing in the snow.

A report from VG247 however states that Disney, who acquired the license for the Lucasfilm movie two years ago, is planning to do up the whole franchise. Lucasfilm clarified months back that everything within the "Star Wars" expanded universe are not to be considered canonical and added that "all aspects of Star Wars storytelling moving forward will be connected," and future Star Wars games will only expand the official franchise canon that will continue to disregard everything within EU.

"Star Wars 3 Battlefront" is slated to be available to play on PS3, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 before 2015 ends. "Star Wars: Episode VII" will soon follow.