Luke Skywalker confirmed to appear in Star Wars sequels

Star Wars: The Force Awakens - official posterLucasFilm/Disney

It has been heavily speculated that actor Mark Hamill will return to reprise his role as Luke Skywalker not only in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" but also in its sequel, "Star Wars Episode VIII," to be directed by Rian Johnson. The actor has now confirmed the information himself via Twitter.

"Last shaved on 10/22 after final day of my 2nd #TheFlash (which airs 12/8 #XmasTrix), just in time for Ep VIII-whew!" reads the actor's quote. 

The statement clears up some rumors and confirms that Hamill shaved to reprise his role in "The Flash," where he plays the villain Trickster. After filming scenes for "The Flash" Hamill has begun re-growing his beard for "Episode VIII" given that he is contractually obligated to keep his beard.

Rumors have flown about the original cast members dying in "The Force Awakens," and according to a report from Cinema Blend, Hamill's statement may confirm that Luke Skywalker will survive the events of the new film. It still does not resolve the issue regarding the mystery of Skywalker's absence in the trailers, posters and other promotional materials.

However, it is also pointed out that he may still die and reappear in later films as a Force Ghost.

This was the same method used in "Empire Strikes Back" to bring back Alec Guinness as the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi who died in the previous film, "A New Hope." "Return of the Jedi" also saw the Force Ghost versions of Anakin Skywalker and Master Yoda.

Luke Skywalker's role in "The Force Awakens" is still unknown. There are rumors flying that he may in fact be turning to the Dark Side and may have even been the founder of the Knights of Ren, the group now led by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). Other rumors speculate he is in hiding due to the First Order hunting him down.

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will open this Dec. 18 while its sequel will open on May 26, 2017.