'Star Trek: Bridge Crew' release date news: Ubisoft announces delay to release of new VR game

'Star Trek: Bridge Crew' screenshotubisoft.com

When Ubisoft first announced their brand new Virtual Reality science fiction video game "Star Trek: Bridge Crew," there was understandably a lot of excitement among fans of the "Star Trek" franchise as the title was meant to be the most immersive video game ever to be set in the larger "Star Trek" Universe.

However, a new announcement from the company has revealed that they may need more time to fine tune the game before releasing it to the public.

Ubisoft had revealed in a brief post on the company's own blog website that they will be moving the release date of their new VR game. The game itself was initially announced to be released on Nov. 29 of this year at the recently held Gamescom event.

The company had previously mentioned that they had chosen the particular date so that the game would be released alongside the different VR headsets that would be launched next month, including the PlayStation VR, HTC Vive, and the Oculus Rift. To the surprise of eager fans, Ubisoft then mentioned that they will be moving the release date of the game to March 14, 2017.

Ubisoft did not provide any explanation for their decision to move the game's release date and only mentioned that they needed the additional time "in order to deliver the best gaming experience possible at launch." The company's statement probably means that the game is likely still riddled with bugs and issues that have to be ironed out and that the current version might not yet be ready for a public release.

"Star Trek: Bridge Crew" will be playable for up to four players who can take different roles inside the Federation's latest vessel, the U.S.S. Aegis. Players can take the role of a captain, engineer, weapons officer, and the ship's pilot.

Each and every action that a player does will be affecting the ultimate fate of their ship and their crew, who have been assigned to explore a largely uncharted sector known as "The Trench."