'Star Trek: Discovery' showrunners reveal purpose of two ships, lead character's rank

Klingon Empire commanding officer Kol, played by Kenneth Mitchell in "Star Trek: Discovery"Twitter/startrekcbs

One of the most iconic shows on television has not only made its way to the movies, but is also making a comeback to the small screen. The upcoming "Star Trek: Discovery" is being anticipated by many Trekkies, and while a trailer for the upcoming sci-fi show is enough to excite many fans, the show's plot remains a mystery. Fortunately, showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg have given a few hints on what to expect. 

Understandably, Harberts and Berg do not want to give away too much of the show's main premise. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the showrunners gave some information on some of the characters, as well as the purpose of those two ships that were seen in the trailer. 

As everyone who has seen the trailer knows, the two ships that are present in the show are called the U.S.S. Discovery and the Shenzhou. These two naturally have a connection to the show's lead, First Officer Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green). Michael is the first human to attend the Vulcan Science Academy. 

According to Harberts, Michael has been on Vulcan for a while, despite not being the same race as the planet's residents. Spock's father Sarek (James Frain) plays an important role in Michael's life, which has so far been planned out for her, until she makes a difficult choice that leads her down a different direction than she intended. The story will pick up on her being the First Officer on the Shenzhou with Captain Han Bo (Michelle Yeoh). 

Harberts went on to say that it is Michael's choice that will possibly affect the whole universe, and it is that choice that lands her aboard the Discovery, helmed by Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs).

Michael also happens to be the first lead character on "Star Trek" who is not a captain. Berg explained that Michael not being a captain provides a way for them to tell the story from a fresh perspective, and that it allows the viewers access to all parts of the ship through her eyes. 

Other actors on board the ships are Doug Jones as alien science officer Lt. Saru, Shazad Latif as Starfleet Lt. Tyler and Anthony Harp as Lt. Stamets. The first season will also feature the iconic Klingons, with Chris Obi as leader T'Kuvma, Kenneth Mitchell as commanding officer Kol, Mary Chieffo as battle deck commander Rell, Clare McConnell as Dennas and Damon Runyam as Ujilli. 

"Star Trek: Discovery" will premiere on Sunday, Sept. 24, at 8:30 p.m. EDT on CBS All Access.