'Star Wars: Battlefront 2' 2017 news: sequel rumored to feature single-player mode; Game gets listed online

"Star Wars Battlefront" Bespin DLC.EA DICE

"Star Wars: Battlefront 2" has already been confirmed by publisher Electronic Arts to arrive next year. It was also mentioned before that the company will try to include a single-player mode when its predecessor came out last year. Adding more to the hype, the game was also listed online and can already be pre-ordered with almost a year and a half to go before its expected release date.

"Star Wars:Battlefront" is one of the most successful games in the "Star Wars" franchise and many find that its lack of a single-player mode deprived it of a bigger success. However, it was still able to sell around 13 million copies by January 2016.

It was previously reported that the upcoming game may possibly be released when "Star Wars: Episode VIII" hits the big screen next year, similar to the marketing strategy performed last year with "Star Wars: Episode VII" and the "Star Wars: Battlefront" game. It was also mentioned that content from the new films may also be used in the upcoming game.

Amazon U.K. is adding more to the "Star War" hype by listing "Star Wars:Battlefront 2" on their website. They are also already taking pre-orders, for £59.99.   However, fans looking for any game-related information will greatly be disappointed with the listing. It does not say much except the available platforms -- PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Meanwhile, an offline single-player mode is rumored to arrive in "Star Wars: Battlefront," tbased on a video that was posted by a fan.  The video shows a hidden menu option that became visible after the most recent update. It now contains an "Instant Action." Fans are looking forward to this additional feature, which they have been wishing to be included in the first place. No official announcement has been made, so far, by EA or DICE.