'Star Wars: Battlefront' new gameplay mode coming?

Star Wars BattlefrontEA Games

Publisher Electronic Arts is expected to make a splash when it makes its appearance at this year's Gamescom event, where it will showcase "Star Wars: Battlefront," one of the most-anticipated titles this year. 

But before that, the company decided to give hardcore fans at least a little glimpse on what they can expect to see in one of this year's biggest gaming conventions. The publisher has released a preview of X-Fighters in action for the upcoming franchise title. 

The preview, published first via EA's official "Star Wars" Twitter and Facebook accounts, is a short, 12-second footage showing aerial battle scenes from the upcoming game. In the clip, X-Wings, Tie Fighters, and A-Wings duke it out over barren landscapes. The clip ends with EA promising more details to come at the Gamescom, which starts Aug. 5. 

The clip also hints at one of the expected details to be shown during the upcoming convention. A new feature, called the Fighting Squadron mode, will be showcased. Based on the clip, this might be the playable mode for the different "Star Wars" aircrafts. 

When confirmed, Fighting Squadron will join other game modes for "Battlefront," including Supremacy, Walker Assault; Drop Zone, Cargo, and the co-op Survival mode. In addition, there will be a mode called Blast, which will feature a 10-versus-10 deathmatch gameplay. 

It is expected that the title will have major exposure at the upcoming Gamescom. Apart from "Battlefront," game developer DICE, a subsidiary of EA, also handles another much-anticipated title, the sequel to the original "Mirror's Edge" title. "Mirror's Edge Catalyst" is also expected to make an appearance at the event. 

"Star Wars: Battlefront" will be launched on Nov. 17 for the PC, as well as current-gen consoles PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.