'Star Wars Battlefront' updates: Gamers can participate in playtests

The newest Star Wars video game is not too far away.Wikipedia

Electronic Arts is in search of gamers who will so gleefully participate in a playtest prior to the "Star Wars Battlefront's" official unveiling. Of course, all shooter fans long to be the first to fight in the game's intergalactic arena. Unfortunately, only a few will be able to; the rest will be left to wonder and wait. 

According to reports, these "Battlefront" playtests, although new to many, have actually been recurring since January. This means that not many gamers knew that such opportunity actually exists. But now that the word is everywhere, a surge in the number of hopefuls can be expected. After all, nothing beats trying a version of the game before it comes out.

The company will be conducting the playtests in two of its studios — San Francisco, California and Vancouver, Canada. Players who want to participate will have to register online for either EA Canada or for EA Redwood Shores. They can check out this page for more details on how to sign up and qualify for the affair. 

After signing up, it would be time for the waiting game. EA will notify the selected gamers through email. If picked by the game publisher, they need to prepare to head to Burnaby or Redwood City (whichever site registered) on April 10 to play three to four hours of "Star Wars Battlefront." 

Before that though, EA will make sure that none of the experience, no matter how awesome it will surely be, will be divulged. Participants will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Unfortunately, recording gameplay won't be allowed either. EA does not like the idea of leakage as well. All the same, EA will be happy to give away two free games of the participants' choice as their token of appreciation (as if getting to play the heavily-hyped intergalactic warfare is not tremendous enough). 

For those who will not be selected for the playtest, more of "Star Wars Battlefront" will be showed off during the Star Wars Celebration on April 17. Fans of the franchise should make sure not to miss that one. As for the real deal, the game will be out during this year's holiday season.