'Star Wars Battlefront' gameplay trailer will be internet breaking, EA promises


"Star Wars Battlefront," the upcoming third and first person shooter video game being developed by EA Digital Illusions CE is going to have its gameplay footage showcased on April 17, 2015 at the Star Wars Celebration event. According to WCCFtech, gameplay Analyst Christian Johannesén and Global Community Manager Vincent V. Vukovic have stated that the upcoming gameplay footage of "Star Wars Battlefront" is expected to 'Break The Internet'.

Given below are the details taken from their official Twitter accounts' status updates.

@Vincent0K: "On the agenda next week: Break the Internet."

@phatseejay: "The destruction of the Internet: It will be as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in excitement."

The development team stationed at EA Digital Illusions CE is having their work cut out for them in creating the most realistic experience in a video game from a long running franchise. Elements from different 'Star Wars' sources are going to be implemented in to the upcoming title, with a diversified combat system that will allow gamers to participate in both long range, melee and space related scenarios.

Similar to the Battlefield series, "Star Wars Battlefront" is going to boast impressive visuals thanks to the Frostbite 3 graphics engine, which is only second to Crytek's visually impressive CryEngine 3. According to Gamespot, additional maps such as the planet Hoth and the moon of Endor will be presented as playable environments, thanks to the information that was revealed during EA's E3 2014 press conference.

While no official release date has been given, it is expected that "Star Wars Battlefront will be released in Christmas 2015, which is in line with the release period of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." The upcoming video game is not being considered as a sequel "Battlefront II", but more of a franchise reboot.