'Star Wars: Battlefront II' gameplay news update: New datamine suggests possible character optimization

A promotional poster for EA's "Star Wars Battlefront II"Facebook/StarWarsBattlefront2EA

From a popular movie to a now infamous game title, Electronic Arts' (EA) "Star Wars: Battlefront II" is again making headlines. Recently, dataminers have found unused codes in the game, and they hint at possible character optimization options.

A dataminer and Reddit user who goes by the name of "uninspired Zebra" posted on the Battlefront datamining subreddit about an unused code he found in the game, a "Change Appearance" option. He also posted on YouTube a video showcasing what this feature could have looked like. In the video, he changed the Assault class's appearance. He went into one of the factions, the Galactic Republic faction, and it apparently had several options of skins. He also showed the same for the Rebel Alliance.

This would naturally cause some excitement, with some saying that this may have been leaked content for a future update or downloadable content (DLC), but this is apparently not the case. Given the game's recent issue on loot boxes, some fans were skeptical, saying that this may have been part of EA's scheme to earn more money.

However, EA CEO Blake Jorgensen cleared up the reason for the removal of character customization. "[Star Wars] is an amazing brand that's been built over many, many years. So if you did a bunch of cosmetic things, you might start to violate the canon," said Jorgensen during a conference, as per PC Gamer. "Darth Vader in white probably doesn't make sense, versus in black. Not to mention you probably don't want Darth Vader in pink. No offense to pink, but I don't think that's right in the canon."

Previously, Jorgensen, when talking about the game's features, already said that "Battlefront II" would not have any cosmetic customization of any sort, which is why the discovery of the unused codes made fans wonder about the feature. In addition, some gamers will remember that the first game of the Star Wars-themed franchise, "Battlefront I" from back in 2014, offered character optimization options.