'Star Wars: Battlefront II' producer talks about empathizing with the Empire and decision on female lead character

"Star Wars Battlefront II" promotional photo.Facebook/ EAStarWars

The upcoming action shooter "Star Wars: Battlefront II" is one of the most anticipated releases of the year. While the first game, released in 2015, is a well-loved and highly successful title, this sequel managed to include some elements that would surely make it stand out.

Motive Studios producer David Robillard spoke about these unique components, including the new single player campaign, empathizing with the empire, and having a female lead character.

While the release of 2015's multiplayer-only "Star Wars: Battlefront," the game was met with praises and positive reviews. Publisher Electronic Arts (EA) also received feedback from players. "One of the most resounding pieces of feedback we got was, 'We want single-player,'" said Robillard.

Due to this, EA tasked Motive Studios to work on a narrative that will allow players to experience "Star Wars: Battlefront" from a campaign perspective. The team worked with Lucasfilm to make sure that the story will have the fan-beloved Star Wars feel to it.

"We worked hand-in-hand with Lucas to make it as authentic and immersive as we can," Robillard said. "I think we have the best storyline, interactive gameplay feel that you can get up to now in the Star Wars universe."

With this single player campaign, the developer decided to throw some more curveballs into the game. The game features a female main character and a story that is told through the point of view of the Galactic Empire.

Robillard noted that the Star Wars franchise has always been about strong female characters. So for them, the new story had to be told through a strong female protagonist.

The game also does an interesting take showing the side of the Galactic Empire. Robillard said that people who grew up within the Empire believe that they were "trying to bring order, they're trying to bring stability, and they're trying to root out rebellion. If you take those words--order, stability, and root our rebellion--these things seems like perfectly good things to strive for."

"Star Wars: Battlefront II" tries to depict what happens to these people on the side of the Empire once they find themselves on the losing side of the war.

"Star Wars: Battlefront II" will be released on Nov. 17 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.