'Star Wars: Battlefront' May update news: New patch to fix Heroes vs Villains error

EA Star Wars website

EA and DICE released a new update patch for "Star Wars: Battlefront" on May 4, often commemorated as "May the Fourth Be with You" or "Star Wars Day." Unfortunately, the update came with its own set of glitches, and DICE designer Dennis Brannvall confirmed that the developers are working on a patch.

As stated in a report from Design and Trend, the May update was meant to fix several balancing issues and glitches but the update came with a few of its own problems. One of the most glaring issues was with the game's Heroes vs Villains mode that forced players to play as a regular soldier. 

Before the update was implemented, players who did not choose a hero or villain by the time the given time limit was over would be automatically assigned one. The new glitch that came with the May update broke this system and now players who do not choose a hero or villain are being forced into the game as a regular troop with no powers.

Announcing via Twitter, Brannvall confirmed that the company was working on a patch to address this issue and that fans can expect the new update to be released before the end of the week. It is undetermined if DICE is also working on addressing the other glitches and balancing issues that plague the game, both those that existed before and after the May update was launched. 

Design and Trend also points out that once all these issues have been dealt with, DICE will be able to return their focus on developing the upcoming "Bespin" DLC pack. This DLC pack will include new maps and weapons for the game. More importantly it will introduce the space pirate Lando Calrissian as a playable hero. 

"Star Wars: Battlefront" is available for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.