'Star Wars: Battlefront' DLC features news: 'Outer Rim' DLC features new Heroes, maps and mode of play

The second DLC for "Star Wars: Battlefront," titled "Outer Rim," is about to be released within the month and Electronic Arts, the game developer and publisher, already gave several details about the expansion pack. Players can expect a total of four new maps, two new heroes and a new mode to be included in the next chapter of the game.


EA recently updated the "Star Wars: Battlefront" players about its upcoming DLC. Much of the action in "Outer Rim" will take place in two separate locations -- in the factories on planet Sullust and Jabba the Hutt's abode on planet Tatooine. As GameSpot reported, each area will have two maps, hence a total of four maps will be included in the expansion pack.

Hardcore fans of "Star Wars" were right when they magnified and recognized two familiar characters when "Outer Rim's" artwork was released late last month. Players will have a great game time with Greedo and Nien Nunb.

A new game mode, Extraction, will also be included in the upcoming digital expansion. Its a get-in-extract-get-out mission, but it is easier said than done. Players need to extract a precious cargo from one of the dangerous places in the system and bring it back to the transport ship, and that is the easy part. The hard part is the Empire troops are waiting and will not allow any of the Rebel forces to reach the extraction point. To make things a little more exciting, EA decided to put a timer in the game.

New sets of additional weapons and Star Cards will also come along with the "Outer Rim" DLC. Players will get to hold the Relby V-10 rifle and the DT-12 blaster pistol, while the new Star Cards include Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade and Adrenaline Stim.

No specific date yet was announced for the DLC's release, but it will be this month.