'Star Wars: Battlefront' release date news: reservation cards available at Target now

[Photo credit: "Stars Wars: Battlefront" teaser trailer | EA]

Electronic Arts and developer DICE are both partners in the upcoming game under the "Star Wars" franchise. One of the most anticipated titles to come this year, "Star Wars: Battlefront" is rumored to be unveiled at the upcoming Star Wars Celebration event on April 17. Meanwhile, well-known retailers Target and GameStop are jumping into the hype with some "Star Wars: Battlefront" updates. 

For hardcore fans who wish to reserve the upcoming title to make sure that they would have it as soon as it is released, giant retailer chain Target is now offering "Star Wars: Battlefront" reservation cards for only $1, with a $5 gift card included for future purchases. When the game is finally rolled out, the buyer is guaranteed a copy of the game in whatever console version. The upcoming title is the latest in Target's reservation card list, which started in 2009 with games such as Electronic Arts' "EA Sports Active" and THQ's "UFC 2009." 

In other news, it is rumored that another giant game retailer disclosed the upcoming game's release date. According to a forum, game vendor GameStop Italy recently updated its game titles to include the upcoming "Star Wars" game, listing it down with a Dec. 10 availability date. However, there is still no official announcement from EA regarding the specific date for the game's release. 

These are just two of the numerous updates and rumors that have hyped up the Internet in the recent weeks, building up to the official unveiling of the title on April 17.

But if there is one official announcement tied up to the game, it's one that came from EA itself. The company is sponsoring a playtest session for the upcoming "Star Wars: Battlefront" on April 10, a week before the unveiling event, at its EA Redwood Shores and EA Canada locations.