'Star Wars Episode 7' movie rumors: Simon Pegg joining cast as Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott?

With "Star Wars 7" set for release next year, fans of the movie franchise are wondering about the story's plot, the cast, and practically, everything about it. The people behind the film are tight lipped, but this didn't stop Simon Pegg from dropping hints if he will be part of the movie or not.

At the San Diego Comic-Con, Benedict Cumberbatch was asked if he was joining the movie. He said no but said that Pegg might be. Pegg has been denying the rumors. He even said that seeing his face in the movie would break the escapism.

According to WhatCulture, Pegg did say that "J.J. uses me in different roles." This could mean that Pegg might actually take on a role that won't be showing his face, probably under tons of prosthetics? Director J.J. Abrams included Pegg in "Star Trek: Into Darkness" and "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol," and it clearly shows that the two are good buddies.

Pegg is rumored to be playing Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott in both "Star Wars VII" and the next "Star Trek" movie. But if his face won't be seen, will it be purely CGI? WhatCulture theorized that Pegg might be giving his voice to one of the large puppets.

If this is true, this means that Pegg has indeed landed a primary role in the movie, without using CGI. To add, this keeps the movie goers guessing if Pegg is really in the movie since they cannot see him clearly anyway.

Aside from Pegg, who might be joining "Star Wars VII?" It is said that there will be a new cast to play the primary roles. However, this doesn't mean that Samuel L. Jackson won't reprise his role as Mace Windu.

"Star Wars VII" is set for release on 2015. Hopefully, there will be more news and details released in the coming months.