'Star Wars: Episode 8' plot news: New theories emerge regarding Rey's training and Kylo Ren's past

"Star Wars: Episode 7" movie screenshotDisney

There is still more than a year to go until fans will be able to know the fates of the last Jedi in the universe and the next set of events that will transpire following the events of "Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens." Despite the long wait for "Star Wars: Episode 8," several new reports have now surfaced revealing the latest theories about the characters themselves and what could be happening in the next movie.

According to the latest spoiler reports, the upcoming movie will likely be exploring several storylines including the training of the fledgling Jedi Rey, played by Daisy Ridley, and the backstory of how Kylo Ren, played by Adam Driver, has succumbed to the dark side. It was previously revealed that, unlike the previous instalments in the last two trilogies, the upcoming movie will reportedly be starting where the last movie left off. This means that the next movie will likely start off with the meeting of Rey and Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hamill.

Reports have revealed that Rey will likely be starting her training as a Jedi under Luke almost immediately. A theory was recently outlined by a fan via a video on YouTube, where it was speculated that the training of Rey may be a quick set of scenes that should take no more than eight minutes. The claim is based on Luke's own training with Yoda during the movie, "Empire Strikes Back," where Luke's one week training only took up about seven minutes of the film's overall screen time.

As for Kylo Ren, other reports have speculated that Ben Solo's past may be extensively explored through a series of flashbacks which could show his own training under Luke and how he was swayed into the dark side. Another fan speculated that the entire thing might be shown through two timelines simultaneously screened, similar to the filming technique used in the movie "The Godfather."

"Star Wars: Episode 8" is scheduled to hit theaters on Dec. 15, 2017.