'Star Wars Episode 8' rumors: Will fans finally learn who Rey's parents are?

Star Wars official website

"Star Wars Episode 8" is expected to answer many of the questions put forth by "Episode 7," but will the upcoming film also reveal exactly who Rey's parents are?

That's one of the questions many fans have about the new film, and to this point, the answer has been as vague as could have been expected.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, "Star Wars Episode 9" director Colin Trevorrow hinted that while the identity of Rey's parents will be revealed soon enough, that may not actually take place in the upcoming film.

When the question about Rey's parents was posed to Trevorrow, the director responded by saying that they would work to make sure that the answer to that query will be "deeply and profoundly satisfying."

Since Trevorrow is set to direct "Episode 9" and not the upcoming "Episode 8," it's worth asking if the director is suggesting that the answer to who Rey's parents are will not be revealed until the film that he helms has made its way to theaters.

Still, even if the actual answer may not be revealed for a while, fans have already begun to put forth their predictions about who they think Rey's parents are.

Some predictions from fans include Rey being the daughter of Luke Skywalker, while others have suggested that she may be the child of Han Solo and Princess Leia.

While information about Rey's parents may continue to be absent from "Star Wars Episode 8," fans can still look forward to learning more about another character.

Specifically, fans can look forward to finding out more about Captain Phasma in the upcoming film.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy confirmed that the new villain would indeed have a more prominent role in "Episode 8," although exactly how she will be featured remains a mystery.

Fans can find out more about Rey and Captain Phasma when "Star Wars Episode 8" makes its way to cinemas next year.