'Star Wars; Episode 8' spoilers: New details on Benicio Del Toro's villainous role emerge

Benicio del Toro as the Collector in "Guardians of the Galaxy"Marvel Studios

The character that actor Benicio Del Toro will play in "Star Wars: Episode 8" has always been a mystery, but it was reported that he will play a bad guy.

The actor has always denied he will wreak havoc in the galaxy far, far away ever since his "Star Wars: Episode 8" casting was announced, but this changed in his latest interview.

Speaking to Italian magazine Grazia, Del Toro spilled the beans on the nature of his character when asked if the role will involve any evil and if he could take his five-year-old daughter Dahlia to the film, based on the nature of the character's actions in the film.

"Who knows? We'll see. I've never played an intergalactic villain," Del Toro said. "Joking aside, maybe the movie will not be the right one for her, but my dream is to take her with me at least to the premiere, on the red carpet," he went on to say.

This is clearly the opposite of what he said in the past. Last year, Del Toro said that he does not think his character is a villain, adding that people saying he is make him feel like "they read a different script than I read."

He also implied that the reports about his "Star Wars: Episode 8" character are erroneous during his interview with Hitfix earlier this year.

"You know, I'm not supposed to say, but that's what's out there, so I'm not gonna try and fight it," the veteran actor said at that time.

From the looks of it, Del Toro will be a force to be reckoned with in "Star Wars: Episode 8." Whether this power will be used for good or evil remains to be seen. His character may end up being a bit of both.

"Star Wars: Episode 8" will be out in December 2017, so it might be a while before official details come to light.