'Star Wars' game from Respawn slated for 2020 fiscal year release

A promotional poster for the Electronic Arts video game, "Star Wars Battlefront II."Facebook/EAStarWars

Fans waiting for a new "Star Wars" game from Respawn may have to wait at least a year, as Electronic Arts announced it is not happening until the 2020 fiscal year.

In an earnings call with reporters earlier this week, EA CEO Andrew Wilson and CFO Blake Jorgensen gave a minor but much-needed update about the "Star Wars" game under development at Respawn.

According to Jorgensen, Respawn's title from the best-selling franchise about the galaxy far, far away "most likely will drop in Fiscal 20 versus another [Star Wars] "Battlefront."

That release date is not all that far away though. EA's 2020 fiscal year kicks off on April. 1, 2019 and ends on March 31, 2020. Respawn's "Star Wars" game should be available within that time frame.

The upcoming game was first announced at EA Play back in 2016. Almost two years later, very little is known about the supposed third-person action game set in the "Star Wars" universe. Based on the short clip shown during its reveal though, the lightsaber battles tease a possible melee combat gameplay. According to Digital Trends, the story will most likely revolve around a Jedi too.

However the story will unfold, though, Respawn then promised that its version of "Star Wars" will be feature "slick, larger-than-life action and fun, groundbreaking mechanics."

Meantime, those waiting for the third installment of "Star Wars Battlefront" will have to wait much longer, as EA indirectly revealed that it will not arrive before Respawn's "Star Wars." Jorgensen said the company has yet to decide the release date for "Battlefront 3." Still, the mention of the game's third installment at least assures fans that there is one coming.

The delay in the "Battlefront" sequel could be attributed to the lower-than-expected sales of "Battlefront 2." Due to the controversy surrounding its loot box system, the game missed its target of 10 million copies for the last holiday quarter. Jorgensen said the company only managed to sell nine million.