'Star Wars' plot news: Mark Hamill refuses to believe his character Luke Skywalker is permanently dead

Luke Skywalker of the new "Star Wars" trilogyStar Wars

Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill still believes that the force is strong with his character, as he has announced that he simply does not want to believe that Luke is dead.

In an interview with BBC, Hamill voiced out his claims for the character saying that he does not want to believe Luke died during the climactic final battle during "Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi." For those who have seen the movie, it can be recalled that Luke's death was quite cryptic, similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi's during "Episode IV: A New Hope" where both simply vanished into thin air and from physical existence, leaving behind their Jedi robes.

"I refuse to believe that he's gone. My theory is he just teleported to somewhere else and left his robe behind. He teleported to a nudist colony, that's what I'm hoping," said Hamill, that last bit being a joke, though not entirely implausible in the "Star Wars" universe. It is worth noting that Obi-Wan, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jin and Anakin Skywalker (Luke's father) actually died but came back as force ghosts who can still speak to Jedi and, based on what force ghost Yoda did in "The Last Jedi," can still have control over certain powers like lightning.

"The Last Jedi" director Rian Johnson is somewhat on to something for the future though, as both he and Hamill tease the possibility of Luke joining the force and becoming a force ghost like Yoda and the other Jedi masters. It is entirely possible that this might happen in the final trilogy movie "Episode IX," which is yet to have a formal title.

Luke's death was not exactly welcomed warmly by a lot of the fans, a lot of them even raged at the way the movie handled the character, more so his death. Hamill was initially also displeased at Luke's ending but eventually learned to accept it. Still, a majority of fans believe that Luke deserves better. Fans expecting a Luke Skywalker comeback in the next movie will have to wait until Dec. 20, 2019 to see how things turn out for Luke.