'Star Wars Rebels' season 2 spoilers: Ahsoka hunts down the Sith

Star Wars Rebels season 2 posterDisney XD and LucasFilm

One of the biggest reveals in season 1 of "Star Wars Rebels" was that Ahsoka had survived the events of the Clone Wars and was a member of the early Rebellion against the Empire. Disney XD and LucasFilm has recently released a preview clip of season 2's premiere episode which showcases what Ahsoka will be up to. 

In the clip, Ahsoka gives the crew of the Ghost an old tactical droid which she states will lead them to an old "friend," and she forces Kanan to trust him upon meeting him. It is widely speculated that this friend is Rex, a former Clone Trooper who defected before Order 66 was unleashed, the command that forced Clone Troopers to kill all the Jedi. 

More interestingly, however, is that Ahsoka states she is heading out for her own mission. She explains that she has to investigate Darth Vader. It isn't clear at this point if she is aware that Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, her former mentor, are one and the same, but it is hinted in the clip that she did feel something disturbing after their first encounter. 

Ahsoka was one of the lead characters in the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" animated series but during the final season, she deserted the Jedi Order before she could be fully inducted because she was wrongfully accused of being a traitor. Although her name was cleared, she eventually left, allowing her to survive Order 66. 

According to a report from Screen Rant, it is very likely that Ahsoka will die in the hands of Darth Vader in season 2. The character does not appear in the original trilogy, set after "Star Wars Rebels," which increases the possibility of her dying before this new series is over. 

"Star Wars Rebels" season 2 premieres this Oct. 14.