'Star Wars Rebels' season 2B spoilers: trailer shows connection with 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Star Wars Rebels - Ezra and a green cross-guard lightsaberDisney XD

The midseason trailer for "Star Wars Rebels" season 2 not only features the return of Darth Vader and the series' first appearances of Princess Leia and Master Yoda but it also showcases a few key connections to the recently released film "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

As pointed out in a report from Entertainment Weekly, there is a very quick shot of the main character Ezra holding a lightsaber with a cross-guard, very similar to the one used by Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) in "The Force Awakens." However, there are signs proving the one in the series and the one in the film are not one and the same.

The report points out that the one Ezra is holding is of a sturdier build compared to the one by Kylo Ren, hinting that Kylo's version was not expertly made. This is further hinted at in the film itself when it was revealed Kylo Ren never completed his training, meaning his version of the cross-guard lightsaber is unstable and this is seen when it turns on.

Another difference is that Ezra's cross-guard lightsaber is green while Kylo's is red, the latter color the preferred color of lightsaber for Dark Force users such as the Sith. 

Entertainment Weekly also points out that during the marketing stages of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" several of the film's props were on display, including the lightsaber used by Kylo Ren. It is from the prop's description that unveils the cross-guard design's origins.

The official description for the lightsaber reveals that Kylo did not invent the cross-guard design and that it is actually an "ancient design." According to a report from Screen Rant, this indicates that the Jedi and Sith have used this design a long time ago and that Ezra will find this lightsaber instead of making it by himself.

There are other ties in the trailer such as an old Jedi Temple, similar to the one in "The Force Awakens" although this one appears to be housing a holicron used by the Sith.

"Star Wars Rebels" season 2B premieres this Jan. 20.