'Starcraft 2' to get free content before 'Legacy of the Void' expansion


Fans of the massive online multiplayer title "Starcraft 2" are already getting excited about the upcoming "Legacy of the Void" expansion, since it promises more ramped-up content, gameplay, and design than the first DLC pack, "Heart of the Swarm." Although the upcoming content still has no specific release date, developer Blizzard Entertainment has already decided to build the hype for the expansion by announcing that there will be free content for hardcore players of the series. 

Dubbed as "Whispers of Oblivion," the free content acts as a prologue to the upcoming expansion pack. In this series, players must join Zeratul and complete a special three-mission journey to untangle the mystery surrounding the Xel'naga prophecy. The missions will also lay out the events that happen between "Heart of the Swarm" and "Legacy of the Void."

Although all players will eventually be able to download the free content, it seems to be geared more toward hardcore "Starcraft 2" players who would want to know the whole story behind "Legacy of the Void." It will be made available initially to those who pre-order the upcoming DLC. 

According to the official post on the Blizzard Entertainment blog, "We will be making 'Whispers of Oblivion' available to all players before the game's release, but prior to that, we will be providing early access to the Prologue missions with pre-purchase of the game. Look for more details sometime in July."