'StarCraft' Legacy of the Void news: Story finally reaches its end after 17 years

"Legacy of the Void" will be the last of the "StarCraft" video game series, according to lead producer Tim Morten.Blizzard

"Legacy of the Void" will be the third and final "StarCraft" game, capping off the series' 17-year-run, according to lead producer Tim Morten.

In an interview with Kotaku at the E3 in Los Angeles early this month, Morten made it clear that although the previous "StarCraft" games all ended with a cliffhanger, "Legacy" would be the finale.

"This is the resolution of 17 years of story-telling. It's the end of this story. Could there be arcs that involve [these characters] in the future? Anything's possible. But we didn't want to cop out with the 'to be continued,'" the producer said.

Since it was launched in 1998, "StarCraft" has revolutionized competitive gaming. Kotaku said the real-time strategy game has "spawned some of the world's most popular games" like "Dota" and "League of Legends," to name a few. It has also made Raynor, Kerrigan and Zeratul household names for gamers.

Blizzard Entertainment has not announced a release date yet for "Legacy of the Void," but Kotaku believes that it will likely be out either this year or in early 2016.

For now, the developer promises that the staff is preparing "something really special" for the fans. Lead story designer Matt Norris said the story would be "super epic."

"Obviously everyone's gonna say that about their game, but this one, this one's got some teeth in it and I think this is something people are gonna remember eight, 10, 20 years from now."

Meanwhile, Blizzard is gearing towards entering solo campaign missions of "Legacy of the Void" into beta test environments. Morten explained to PC Games why they chose to do so.

"I think we are going to put some of the missions out first into a Beta, so it's a chance for us to get some feedback from players and see how any changes we make to the game are doing. It's actually the first time ever that we will have had campaign content on the Beta."