Statement issued by the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka

We, the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka are deeply concerned about the atmosphere of religious tension created by accusations of alleged unethical conversion by certain groups, and the high incidents of reported violence against church workers and desecration of places of worship.

While pointing out that true conversion is essentially a matter of conviction and not a response to monetary or material inducement, we express our clear and strong objection to any form of unlawful or unethical conversion. We unequivocally condemn any fraudulent activity or allurement in the form of material benefits, or any undue pressure being exerted on any person for supposed religious conversion.

The National Christian Evangelical Alliance has been in existence in Sri Lanka for 52 years. We celebrated our golden jubilee in 2002. Our membership comprises of 5 Christian denominations; namely the Dutch Reformed Church, Salvation Army, Assemblies of God of Ceylon, Calvary Church and the Foursquare Gospel Church, and over 45 local churches and organizations.
It must be stated categorically that our member churches do not engage in any form of alleged unethical practices of conversion.

The Evangelical Christian community world-wide numbers over 210 million people. Locally, we are a constituency comprising all ethnic groups. As such, we reiterate our highest respect for all religions and our commitment to maintain harmonious co-existence and interaction with our Buddhist, Hindu and Muslim brethren.

We strongly condemn unlawful acts of arson, assault, threats, intimidation and desecration of places of worship of all religious denominations.

We also deplore attempts by certain groups to incite hate and distrust of the Christian community using the media and poster campaigns.

Theologically, the Evangelical Christian faith is based on a set of doctrinal truths. We believe in the authority of Scripture and the historical truths of the Christian faith as set out in the Holy Bible; the deity of Jesus Christ, His Oneness with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and salvation by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We are committed to holistic mission and the centrality of the church.

As citizens of this country, we recognize and assert the right and freedom granted to all citizens to engage in worship, practice and teaching of one's beliefs.