Steam Summer Sale 2015: Buying tips - what to know


There have been rumors lately that the much-awaited Steam Summer Sale will commence on June 11. If this is indeed true, hardcore gamers and veteran Steam Sale buyers already have some procedures in dealing with the massive influx of discounted titles. Those who are still unfamiliar can follow a few tips from veteran shoppers. 

Discounts can still change 

As with any other Steam Sale events, the upcoming Steam Summer Sale is expected to last for at least a week. Veteran deal buyers note that players who have a specific title in mind can wait a little longer in trying to snag the titles on their buying list — discounts can still go up, thus prices can still go down. This is especially true for those with the "Offer ends ... " tag, the prices can still drop as the ending date draws near. 

Ask friends when trying to buy multiplayer games 

Multiplayer titles often go in packaged bundles, and players can get huge discounts by trying to snag "buy-2-get-1-free" items. This is also true for multiplayer titles with expansion packs. Gamers can take advantage of bundled packages by shopping with their friends or acquaintances who target the same titles. 

Check for hidden sales 

Often, only the most recent title is advertised as being discounted on a Steam Summer Sale. However, what most new buyers do not know is that previous titles are also offered with bigger discounts than the newer release. This means that players can save much by buying previous titles in the series. 

Make use of the Wishlist 

Steam has a Wishlist section for account owners, and most players take this for granted. However, veteran players suggest that adding titles on the wishlist has an advantage — players are notified immediately when the titles on their wishlist go on sale, and sometimes even before the scheduled price-off. This means that players can take advantage and buy a title earlier than others.