Stellar exam results day for Christian college

Pupils from Thames Christian College in Battersea, south London, have every reason to smile whilst opening their results today as every student achieved their predicted GCSE grades or better.

Eighty-five per cent of students at the independent secondary school gained 5 A*- C.

Thames pupils’ exceptional GCSE results demonstrate the students’ passion for learning and positive attitudes to study.

As a secondary school with 120 male and female pupils, the school believes focused teaching, individual attention and personal encouragement are making a real difference in enabling them to reach their full potential - 16-year-old Chris Gouro attained an average two grades above his predictions.

The school maintained its high standard in Art with 40 per cent of grades A* and 60 per cent A*-A.

Two pupils achieved 100 per cent in their Art GCSE - Beth Greeves (age 16) in Graphics, in which she designed Olympic stamps in a mock commercial brief for Royal Mail. Shannon Bills, 16, also attained 100 per cent in her Fine Art GCSE.

The school did particularly well in drama with five pupils attaining the LAMDA Grade 6 Acting Award (a Level 3 qualification), all with Merit.

In history, 54 per cent of pupils achieved A*-A grades, in personal finance 60 per cent, in English literature 47 per cent and 42 per cent in additional science.

Stephen Holsgrove, Executive Head at Thames Christian College said: “At Thames whether a student is capable of achieving all A*grades and beyond or finds academic study more of a challenge, our aim is to develop each individual to ensure they reach their full potential – without putting them off study!

“What we are looking to achieve in individuals is more than just exceptional GCSE results, we also care about and support our pupils overall development during the early teenage years.

"I like to take this opportunity to thank the staff at Thames, parents and pupils for their hard work, motivation and support. This year’s results bring the schools average grades over four years to 92 per cent 5A*-C and 72 per cent A*-C including English and maths.

“As with previous years we will continue our support to the GCSE graduates going forward, assisting them in making their final college choices and ensuring each takes the best possible future educational route they can."