Stephen Baldwin, LZ7 and Blush to join fundraising concert for Haiti

Christian youth ministry The Message Trust is putting together a fundraising concert to raise funds for Haiti.

Joining the Heart for Haiti fundraiser in Manchester next week are Celebrity Big Brother star Stephen Baldwin and Christian bands LZ7 and Blush.

Message Trust director Andy Hawthorne and local church leader Anthony Delaney will take to the stage to share about their humanitarian visit to Haiti to deliver medical supplies to hospitals struggling to cope with the high volume of injured.

They returned on Monday from their mercy mission, which saw them take 1,000kg of supplies to an emergency surgical unit set up in devastated capital Port-au-Prince and a ruined hospital on the island of La Gonave, filled to the brim with refugees from the mainland.

Said Hawthorne: "We had to transport two young people with broken backs in a flat back truck over roads ripped apart by the quake. One of them, paralysed when his house fell on him, was carried to us on a door by his friends."

The team, which included members of the Lemon Aid charity, evacuated a nine-year-old girl who had been buried for three days and had to have half her foot amputated.

Hawthorne recounted: "As we flew on a small missionary plane back to the mainland we were praying that amid the chaos we could find an orthopaedic surgeon. When we landed, the first people we saw was a group waiting to fly out. They were an orthopaedic team. We have to say that along with the misery, we saw miracles."

Concert details:
‘Heart for Haiti’ will feature Celebrity Big Brother star Stephen Baldwin, Manchester bands LZ7 and Blush, with eyewitness contributions from Andy Hawthorne and Anthony Delaney
Venue: Wythenshawe Forum (tbc)
Date and time: Thursday 4 February, 7.30pm
Tickets are available now by calling 0161 946 2300