Stephen King's '1922' news: New Netflix movie adaptation trailer features a haunted Thomas Jane

Wilfred James (Thomas Jane) plots to murder his wife in "1922."YouTube/Netflix

Netflix is getting ready to scare people for Halloween, as it released a trailer for their movie adaptation of "1922," a Stephen King horror novella about a Nebraskan family hiding a murder in their closet, or in this case, their well.

The new trailer, uploaded by Netflix on Sept. 22, featured farmer Wilfred James (Thomas Jane) murdering his wife, Arlette (Molly Parker), and hiding the murder with the help of his son, Henry (Dylan Schmid). Arlette wanted to sell her inherited land to a hog-farming combine and move to the city. However, Wilfred had no plans of leaving the farm, forcing Arlette to initiate divorce proceedings. Since Arlette still planned to sell her land, rendering Wilfred's own plot too polluted for farming, Wilfred had to get creative.

Arlette wanted to sell her inherited land to a hog-farming combine and move to the city. However, Wilfred had no plans of leaving the farm, forcing Arlette to initiate divorce proceedings. Since Arlette still planned to sell her parcel of land, leaving Wilfred's own plot too polluted for farming, Wilfred had to get creative.

In order to keep both properties, he convinced his son to help him murder Arlette and hide her body in a well. Sadly, things did not end as Wilfred initially planned. After his wife's death, his relationship with Henry deteriorated, and he started getting haunted by Arlette's ghost and a seemingly infinite number of rats.

Fans are speculative of the upcoming Netflix movie, especially given the reception of past adaptations of King's works. While the "It" remake garnered critical acclaim, another one of Stephen King's adaptations, "Dark Tower," was not as well received as the killer clown horror. This puts pressure on "1922," as viewers and critics will be excited to see whether the movie will be a success like "It" or a Hollywood flop like "Dark Tower."

Still, The Verge theorized that "1922" would be able to hold its own. In contrast to the "Dark Tower" adaptation, the Nebraskan horror story remake has a more focused and personal plot that employs the strengths of its characters. Also, Netflix's "1922" does not attempt to create a complete and complex universe; it is a simple, yet more effective, self-contained horror story.

"1992" will be available on Netflix on Oct. 20.