Steve Chalke close to breaking fundraising world record

Oasis founder Steve Chalke is on his way to smashing the world record for fundraising.

Chalke expects to break the current record of £1,742,388 when he runs in the London Marathon on Sunday.

More than that, the charity pioneer is confident of passing the £1.85 million and even has his sights set on breaking the £2 million mark with his fundraising efforts.

The money raised is going towards Oasis' work in communities across the country.

The charity works in a broad range of areas, including education, health care, youth work, the provision of children's centres, resources for mums and dads, housing, training and employment.

Chalke said the charity's work in communities was his motivation.

"If ever I needed further incentive to finish the marathon on Sunday, it is looking out at the size of the community that stands to be transformed by the passion of these people that Oasis works alongside in this area and similar communities around the country," he said.

"Thanks to the almost lopsided generosity of donors across the country I'm very close to breaking the record but we're not quite there yet."

Michelle Spivey, who lives close to Oasis' base in London, was present at the London Eye, where Chalke spoke of his fundraising efforts.

"My daughter goes to some of the Oasis clubs. They’re a very good idea for the children of this area, and all free. The clubs keep them off the streets and Oasis treats the children very well," she said.

Diane Louise Jordan, TV presenter and patron of Oasis, is backing his bid.

She said: "Oasis isn’t just another charity doing good things for the community - it is actually part of the community."

The giving page for Steve Chalke’s Guinness World Record attempt is: