Steve Cox steps down from Christians in Media charity, Lani Charlwood takes over as new Chair

Steve Cox and Lani Charlwood.

In a significant leadership change, evangelist Steve Cox has stepped down as Chair of Christians in Media after nearly ten years of dedicated service. He has been succeeded by Lani Charlwood, a current trustee and former executive director of New Wine, who officially took over the role during a planned meeting of trustees on the first day of July.

Christians in Media, previously known simply as theMediaNet, an offshoot of the Church and Media Network, has seen remarkable evolution under Cox's leadership. He brought with him previous communication expertise from his days working at senior level with the World Evangelical Alliance and the Council of World Mission.

Over the past decade, the Christians in Media charity has navigated numerous transformations to adapt to the ever-changing media landscape. Key initiatives during Steve Cox's tenure include the rebranding of the charity, the establishment of a mentoring programme for young people passionate about faith and media, the introduction of online lunchtime prayer meetings, and the launch of a podcast. Additionally, the charity has resumed its conferences, with the upcoming Engage 2024 event set for October.

"To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under the heavens" (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV).

Expressing gratitude for Cox's contributions, the charity highlighted his role in creating strong relationships, supporting the team, and guiding the organisation through various changes. "We could include more, but we are grateful for the relationships Steve has created, his dedication and service for our community, and the way he has supported our team. Like with any change, we will miss him," the Board noted.

The transition to new leadership is underscored by a sense of continuity and hope for the future. Referencing Ecclesiastes 3 and Psalm 37:5, the Board expressed confidence that the charity will continue to thrive as it remains committed to its mission.

Charlwood, the new Chair of Trustees, shared her vision and enthusiasm for her new role: "I have spent much of my life observing the influence of Christians across all sectors of media. I have seen divisions, but I have also seen reconciliation. It is the latter which lies at the heart of my desire to support Christians in Media; building connections, gathering together, encouraging one another, and becoming better together than we are apart.

"It is a joy to take on the role of Chair for Christians in Media. Steve has competently steered the ship through a changing landscape, and I am honoured to be receiving the reins from him. As we continue to grow, my hope and prayer is that more and more Christians will be affirmed in their calling within this influential sector so that together, we can bring a little bit more of God's Kingdom to earth."

With the addition of new trustees, Christians in Media is poised for continued development in this new season. The charity encourages supporters to stay connected through social media, to join 850 others in their busy Facebook group, and to keep in touch through their website.

As Christians in Media enters this exciting new chapter, the community is invited to #pray4media and support the charity through prayers for its leadership and initiatives.

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this" (Psalm 37:5, NIV).