Steve Wozniak says he no longer trusts Elon Musk and Tesla

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak at the App World in California back in 2014Reuters/Robert Galbraith

Inventor and co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Wozniak no longer trusts electric automotive company Tesla and its founder Elon Musk. Wozniak slammed Musk and Tesla for their "cheap" tricks to make up for the company's mistakes with its electric cars.

As reported by Business Insider, Wozniak during the recent Nordic Business Forum in Stockholm, Sweden went after Musk and Tesla. Wozniak shared some of his experiences with Tesla's Model S during the forum. "Our first Tesla slid off some ice late at night up at Lake Tahoe, and we ended up in a snow bank. He then addressed Tesla's decision to put in new sensors on their cars despite Musk assuring people about the efficiency of his company's initial sensors. The sensors will allow the car to drive and navigate itself across traffic all the way to its parking spot.

Elon Musk during a Tesla conference in Tokyo back in 2014Reuters/Toru Hanai

The demonstration has then been delayed several times and Wozniak got fed up. "I believed that stuff. Now I don't believe anything Elon Musk or Tesla says, but I still love the car," Wozniak stated.

Wozniak also mentioned that Tesla is not the leading company in the world when it comes to self-driving vehicles. "All Tesla says is, 'It's beta, so we're not responsible, you have to be in control.' So that's kind of a cheap way out of it. Everything I've read told me that every other car manufacturer in the world, Audi and BMW are actually ahead of Tesla for self-driving cars," he ranted. Wozniak also compared Musk as a salesman to Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs.

Musk nor anyone from Tesla have not addressed Wozniak's comments so far. Musk is currently looking forward to another milestone for his company SpaceX with its first ever Falcon Heavy launch test. Musk has a lot on his plate with the critical launch test set on Feb. 6.