Stop Worrying About Your Purpose: Why Anxiety and Divine Calling Never Mix
Living a life in pursuit of a purpose and calling is something that we all should desire. God has a plan to give us hope and a future, using Him to advance His agenda in a way that would greatly benefit us as well. God's Word tells us that there are no accidents. We are all called to do or witness something great.
But we have to admit that a pursuit as big as a God-ordained call can be anything but easy. God's plans for us are always big because He's a big God with a big mindset. However, in God's amazing and extravagant plans, we often remain in our broken, incomplete and limited state.
Yet pursuing God's call for us was never meant to be stressful. If you're worrying about your calling today, then welcome to the club, but you have agency. Here are three common worries when it comes to calling and how to deal with them.
1. I'm Not in It
One big question we can often ask ourselves at times is "am I still in the centre of God's will?"
No one wants to be a Jonah—running away from a calling even when we are unaware of it. It scares us to be outside of God's will, thinking God will punish us and curse us from being wrong about our purpose.
Rest assured there is a way that God wants you to go. The anxiety comes when we think that God is just pointing out our direction from afar and leaving us to walk the rest of the way. That's not the case though. God closely walks with us as we walk in His purpose. Colossians 2:6 reminds us, "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him."
2. I'm Not Qualified
This is one of the most common worries there is on calling. The Bible is full of stories of people who doubted God's call in them because they felt unqualified. Gideon didn't think He could lead an army, Sarah didn't think she could be a mom, and Moses didn't think he could be a nation leader.
One thing that all these people have in common is that it was God who qualified them. They weren't chosen because they were "good enough" but because God was faithful to work through them. The same holds true for us today.
3. I Don't Have the Resources Necessary
Sometimes you believe in your purpose and walk in it. But then we take a look at our finances, time and energy level and ask ourselves, "How can I do this?"
The reality is that purpose will seldom come cheap.
We need to build the heart of the boy who gave his two fish and five loaves to Jesus. We may not have much, but God can and will work with what we have. Moreover, if it's His will it's His bill. Sure, we are to do our part in raising resources and stewarding them, but God will make a way even when we cannot.