'Stranger Things' news: Shannon Purser defends her co-star from disappointed fans

Shannon Purser in a Comic-Con panel for "Stranger Things"Wikimedia Commons/Gage Skidmore

It seems Barb (Shannon Purser) is sisterly not only in "Stranger Things" but in real life as well, as Purser defended co-star Finn Wolfhard, who plays Mike, after his fans' public outcry on Twitter.

Wolfhard, one of the protagonists in Netflix's "Stranger Things," is under fire in social media, as the 14-year-old actor snubbed some of his die-hard fans who were waiting for him outside his hotel. The fans were somehow expecting the actor to sign autographs for them or pose for selfies, to their disappointment. They even took to Twitter to say that the actor was "heartless" and allegedly rude.

Purser, on the other hand, came to the boy's defense, expressing that under no circumstances are actors and actresses required to stop whatever they're doing personally for anyone. "Okay, no. No actor is under any obligation to stop for anyone. Finn is an incredibly kind human. But he's human and he needs breaks too," said Purser, implying that the actor was also tired and needed some rest from his career.

The actress then went on to say that she has also experienced similar, albeit smaller, crowds ambushing her outside lobbies, entrances, and exits, and these have caused her stress. However, as an adult, Purser is better equipped to handle such events, and she said she was able to shrug them off or even grant the fans their wishes. Wolfhard, on the other hand, being only 14, would find this difficult and intimidating according to the actress.

"So, from one big sister to the world, don't you DARE make young actors feel guilty or indebted to you because they couldn't say 'Hi,'" warned Purser. On a final note, she also stated that fans should not take advantage of stars loving their fans and ask that they be considerate of the need for personal space.

Barb is a character from "Stranger Things" season 1. She disappeared and was presumably taken by a Demogorgon. She has since spawned her own fan base due to her memorable character.