'Street Fighter 5' DLC news: Coming of second wave of characters confirmed

Dhalsim in new "Street Fighter 5" trailerCapcom/YouTube

Gamers can expect tons of new fighters to make an entrance to "Street Fighter 5" as developer Capcom is planning to bring in more characters to the fold. During an interview with Gamespot, brand director Matt Dahlgren revealed that there will be a second wave of characters coming to the game.

Capcom also shied away from teasing which characters are coming. In fact, there's still no concrete info on the first wave of new fighters to be released post-launch with the developer maintaining that internal discussions are still ongoing.

What "Street Fighter 5" producer Yoshinori Ono can tease for now (via a separate interview with Gamespot during the Paris Games Week) is that they "try and pick people in a way that there's a balanced selection of characters so the players have a level playing field when they want to get started."

Dahlgren has emphasized that they're going big with the DLC for the upcoming fighting game. "We do have very ambitious plans for 'Street Fighter 5' and a very long term strategy. We'd like to continue as long as we can, but we'll have to see how the product does," he explained.

The brand director said that Capcom is taking small steps in terms of expansion pack planning as they do not want to "get too far ahead" of themselves although they have post-launch DLC all laid out in the event "Street Fighter 5" skyrockets as they expect it.

"Street Fighter 5" will launch with 16 playable characters in the roster. From there, Capcom will add six more with the first DLC. Just recently, a leak allegedly revealed that Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri as well as highly requested fighters Urien and Alex make up the first wave.

"Street Fighter 5" will be released for PS4 and PC on Feb. 16, 2016. The latest character addition came in the form of a bearded Dhalsim a couple of weeks back.