'Street Fighter 5' roster; game gets February 2016 release date

Dhalsim in new "Street Fighter 5" trailerCapcom/YouTube

Details about "Street Fighter 5" have flooded the web in the past couple of days, much to the delight of fans awaiting news about the latest iteration of the Capcom fighting game. For starters, the complete roster of the game has been leaked from the beta game files.

A list mined by NeoGAF users Tizoc and Scrub revealed three unannounced characters. One of them is Dhalsim, whose inclusion in the game was eventually made official by Capcom video game producer Yoshinori Ono during Sony's Paris Games Week.

A trailer for the stretchy yoga master, who surprisingly sported a beard, was released, showing off his moves and giving Zangief a beatdown. Dhalsim is the 14th character and the first true zoning fighter in the initial "Street Fighter 5" roster. Two more, as per the leak, will be entirely new characters.

At the moment, they are only known as FAN and TUT, as these are the codes of their names unearthed in the beta. According to IGN, Ono will likely announce who the new challenger will be during the PlayStation Experience happening in December.

What Ono managed to announce now, however, is that "Street Fighter 5" will officially be released in North America and Europe on Feb. 16, 2016. Unlike in the previous iterations, Capcom is changing things up by releasing add-on and DLCs for the game on a regular basis.

Gamers can expect six more characters to be released post-launch, bumping up the roster to 22 by early 2017 – that's one new character every two months. Players can purchase these original characters via Fight Money, an in-game currency that comes as a reward to those who play over time.

Fight Money comes along after completing daily goals and levelling up individual characters. Capcom explained in a very detailed blog post how players can pull off such in order to score some currency.