'Street Fighter 5' beta to returning this month?

Facebook courtesy of "Street Fighter"

The "Street Fighter V" beta could be making its comeback this month.

As of now, the main source of this news is a promo that can be seen on the PlayStation Store, IGN reported. The advertisement indicates that the "Street Fighter V" beta will be available for four days beginning Dec. 17 up to 20.

Capcom has yet to comment on the legitimacy of the advertisement for now, though there have been some indicators suggesting that the return of the beta is indeed imminent.

For instance, it was revealed recently that the "Street Fighter V" beta for the PlayStation 4 was just updated, and not too long after that, its PC counterpart also received the same treatment. Very few details about the update are available as of now, but EventHubs notes that the entire thing is a 2.26 GB download, despite the fact that it has been characterized as only making some minor tweaks to the beta.

Players who have tried to log in to the beta have said that they have failed to do so, which could mean that it may only be made accessible again beginning Dec. 17.

Capcom has yet to announce which set of characters will be part of the next "Street Fighter V" beta, though some fans have begun to speculate as to who they might be.

According to Cinema Blend, judging by which characters have been made available previously, it's likely that the next beta will include Dhalsim, Laura, Zangief, and the final character that has yet to be indentified. 

More official details about the "Street Fighter V" beta will likely be coming out soon.

For those who want to see more of "Street Fighter V," fans can tune into the PlayStation Experience event this weekend. "Street Fighter V" has already been confirmed as one of the titles that will be playable at the event taking place in San Francisco beginning Dec. 5.