Street Pastors Debut in Norwich

Street Pastors hit the clubbing district of Norwich for the first time last night as they lived out the message of God's unconditional love to support vulnerable pubbers and clubbers.

The team of Christian volunteers debuted after an official launch in the city on Wednesday night, reports Network Norwich.

The Street Pastors have already become familiar faces around town. In the month leading up to the official launch, small teams prayer-walked the nightlife area three times a week.

Jill Gower, who is leading the team of intercessors, said: "Prayer walking is to break up the ground for the Street Pastors when they go out on the streets."

Some of the prayer walkers were shocked by what they saw and became more convinced of the real need for Street Pastors in Norwich.

Olly Turner, the youngest of the Street Pastors, lives near to the clubbing district and has visited several of the bars and clubs. He said: "Even though I know the area well, I was struck by the number of people out there, and by the enormity of the task ahead."

He added: "In spite of the noise and distractions, it wasn't difficult to concentrate on praying. I felt a real sense of peace although there is a lot of darkness in the area."

Wednesday's commissioning service at a local Methodist church reflected the wide variety of churches that the Street Pastors come from.

Jill Gower said: "The Street Pastors and intercessors are one team working together, and therefore there will be lots of contact between them by mobile phone while the Street Pastors are out; that way they will have prayer cover at all times."

Street Pastor training has included time with the local police, who have taken the Street Pastors out on patrol with them to get a flavour of what they do and also to meet some of the volunteers on their SOS bus.

Val Dodsworth, administrator of Street Pastors, said: "After months of preparatory work, most of it behind a desk, it was a real tonic to get out and experience the place where Street Pastors would be out and about. The need is so obvious and the privilege of doing this work is enormous."