Street Pastors to Debut in Portsmouth

Night revellers in Portsmouth will see a new sight on the streets of their city this Friday when Street Pastors go out on their first official patrol of the city centre.

The Street Pastors, distinguishable by their famous blue 'Street Pastor'-emblazoned uniforms and caps, will be walking the streets to offer a friendly ear where needed, help those who have had too much to drink to get home safely by taxi or bus, or mediate in arguments and break up fights, reports Portsmouth Churches.

Twenty-nine Street Pastors in total, ranging from 18 to 70 years of age, will patrol in teams of four as they work in partnership with local police and community wardens.

The Street Pastors are finally taking to the streets after weeks of training on personal safety, sex, relationships, child protection awareness, first aid and listening and mediation skills.

A ceremony will take place in the Lord Mayor's Banqueting Room on Friday afternoon to mark their debut in Portsmouth. The ceremony will be attended by the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Cllr Mike Blake, as well as speakers like Eustace Constance from the Ascension Trust, the founding organisation of Street Pastors.

The Street Pastors scheme will be coordinated in Portsmouth by Elly Mulvany. She said: "The trainees have worked very hard and are keen to put their training into practice. They will be spending time talking to pub landlords and nightclub managers and generally getting to know their 'patch'.

"The role is about building relationships and getting alongside people. We'll offer practical assistance such as making sure they get home, cleaning them up if there's been a fight or intervene to make sure an argument doesn't escalate."

National statistics show that the Street Pastors scheme actually makes streets safer, she affirmed, adding that the scheme has enthusiastic support from the Safer Portsmouth Partnership.

Chief Inspector Carrie Pither, from Portsmouth police, added: "We are delighted that the Street Pastor project in Portsmouth has been so successful and excited about it's launch this week.

"They will be working in the Guildhall area of the city and their work in engaging and diverting people will bring huge benefits to this area in particular to reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

"Street Pastors are an independent organisation and will very much compliment the work of all agencies working together in this area."