Study Guide Released by Joint-Initiative to help churches

A new resource pack has been jointly produced by two national overseas developmental charities. The Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) and Harvest Help, have produced a free study guide to challenge and encourage churches to support some of the poorest people in the world.

Our Common Ground is a joint initiative between the two organisations which encourages learning, praying, giving and practical action to support the poor.

"Harvest Help and MRDF work closely together in Africa, jointly supporting a number of projects and sharing common aims and objectives. We felt we should also model this in our work in the UK, celebrating our common ground in this pack," said Kevin Fray of MRDF, explaining why the two charities were working together.

Our Common Ground contains inspiration stories of people, including Bible studies, posters, prayers and suggestions for practical action that a church or small groups can respond to.

"The pack would be particularly suitable for a Lent course in a church or group, but it can be used at any time of the year. The stories and studies are designed to highlight everyday life for farmers living in poverty, but also to illustrate the transformation that is possible with the support of UK congregations," said Kevin Lawrence from Harvest Help, explaining how the pack might be used.

Harvest Help provides practical support to rural communities in southern Africa, helping them to improve their livelihoods through sufficient farming and increased self-reliance.

MRDF is an independent charity rooted in the Methodist Church in Britain. It works in partnership with small-scale, locally-based organisations in the poorest countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

MRDF produces development education and campaigning resources, and works to promote the rights and opportunities of remote people, challenge injustice, eliminate poverty, and increase opportunities for sustainable development.

All churches supporting the Harvest Help and MRDF will receive free packs early next year. Free copies are available from both charities.

Online version please click: Here

Jenny Lee
Ecumenical Press