Stuntmen rescue suicidal woman [VIDEO, RAW]: Three heroes were preparing for live stunt before saving woman from 14th floor plunge

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Stuntmen preparing to attend an event at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con rescued a young woman who was hanging from a 14th floor balcony ready to jump to her death.

The young women was hanging from the edge of a building in downtown San Diego on Thursday when nearby people started screaming when they realized what was about to happen.

Stuntment who were preparing for a live "Bad A-Two" stunt event heard the screams and rushed over to the woman.

Amos Carver, one of the stuntmen, recalled incident. He told ABC News: "The [stunt] coordinator and I were up on a scissor lift, we were a good 30 to 40 feet in the area already working when we turned around and looked.There was just a lot of commotion, people were screaming and pointing."

Carver and his fellow stuntment, Gregg Sergeant and Scot Schecter, of Stunt 911, responded immediately to the screams. They used the elevator and got to the 14th floor in the building and found that the door was unlocked. "We didn't want to alert her that we were there," Carver said.

They then went inside as quietly as possible.

Sergeant told ABC: "[We] burst into the room and she was on the patio. She'd even closed the door so we couldn't get to her. Just as we got to her, she was just leaning out."

He then grabbed the women by wrapping his arm around her body and his team helped them up.

"I hooked my arms underneath her leg and we pulled her back in and carried her into the room and laid her on the couch, and she was very upset," said Schecter.

"I was just so thankful we got there when we got there. I think if we'd been there two seconds later, she would've been gone," Sergeant said.

The woman appeared to be intoxicated and was taken into police custody and is yet to be released. According to reports, she confirmed that she had been drinking and had been very upset due to a recent break-up.