Summer Mission Ready to 'Impact' Young People in Newbury

Christians from across all churches and Christian organisations in Newbury are getting ready to hit the town's young people this summer with the message of Christ in one of the biggest mission efforts to hit the area in recent years.

The mission team will work in tandem with Youth for Christ as they teach the gospel message in a 'non-threatening way' to the young people of Newbury through a wide range of events under the campaign banner 'Impact', reports the Diocese of Oxford Reporter.

Youth for Christ teams and evangelists will hit St Bartholomew's School, Park House School and Trinity School, joining in assemblies and lessons, and running special workshops and lunchtime clubs offering everything from sports to drama, music and film fun.

There will also be four evening and two Saturday events to give the local youth the chance to hear more about the gospel outside of school.

Three joint Sunday evening services will also unite Christians from around the town in worship during Impact.

Zoe Silvester is on the organising committee for the mission and is a schools worker for the COINS Trust (Christian Opportunities in Newbury Schools) which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary.

She told the DOOR that when Impact was last held in Newbury 10 years ago, it had been hugely successful and in the last two years it was felt the time was right to repeat the idea.

She said: "Going into the secondary schools and also having activities around the town outside of school hours for young people will give them lots of opportunity to get involved, have a great time, and hear the gospel message, whether they're usually churchgoers or not."

Ms Silvester added that everyone in Newbury had rallied around the aim of the mission and offered their support in leading and helping run activities, providing accommodation for the Youth for Christ teams, catering, stewarding, offering facilities and resources or praying.

There had also been a great response to help with financing the project.
A number of follow-up events have already been planned to take place throughout the summer, including a Youth Alpha for those who find they want to explore their spirituality further.

Ms Silvester said: "We've seen before that a mission like this really can have an impact on young people and can change lives. It's a really exciting time for everyone involved."