'Super Smash Bros. 4' Mewtwo DLC character out now, free for some players

Mewtwo in Super Smash Bros. 4Nintendo

The very first character addition via DLC for "Smash Brothers 4" is now out. This early release is only for players who have purchased the game for both the Nintendo Wii-U and 3DS, and those who have registered their purchases with Club Nintendo prior to March 31 will get the DLC character for free. 

Download codes have already begun popping up in player inboxes in Japan and are expected to be given out to players in North America and Europe. The character will be available for download from April 15 to Sept. 30. 

Mewtwo will only be available for the game if players have downloaded the latest patch update for "Smash Bros. 4." Once updated, the character can be redeemed via the Nintendo E-Shop on both the Wii-U and 3DS. 

For players who only own one version of the game or for those who have not been able to register their purchase before March 31, the character will become available for purchase starting April 28. Mewtwo will cost $4 for one version but he can also be obtained for both the Wii-U and 3DS for only $5. 

Following the release of the "Mewtwo" DLC, it is expected that "Super Smash Bros. 4" will feature additional character updates in the future. It has already been confirmed by Nintendo that Lucas from "Mother 3" will become available for purchase this June. 

Lucas will be coming from the same game franchise as Ness but the promotional trailer from Nintendo indicates that the two will play very differently, with different move sets and smashes to justify them as different characters instead of a costume-swap. 

Following Mewtwo and Lucas, Nintendo has also launched a poll site that allows players to suggest any character that they want to be offered in future DLC content. The character currently leading the polls is "Shovel Knight" from the game of the same name, followed by Meat Boy and Banjo-Kazooie.