Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: Latest update adds 15 new game stages

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U"Super Smash Bros for Wii U Box Art" by Source (WP:NFCC#4). Licensed under Fair use via Wikipedia -

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has just gotten a new update which cover new stages for 8-player mode. The update which is about 316MB in size will offer new stages, including 9 regular levels and six variants of Final Destination levels for the 8-player format.

Prior to the new update, options for multiplayers were limited. The new stages are itemized below as reported by

Regular stages

  • Mario Circuit (X)
  • Luigi's Mansion
  • Pyrosphere
  • Norfair
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Animal Crossing - Town and City
  • Animal Crossing - Smashville
  • Wii Fit Studio

Final Destination stages

  • Mario Galaxy
  • Mario Circuit (X)
  • Kirby: The Great Cave Offensive
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Animal Crossing - Town and City

Further to the updates, Series director Masahiro Sakurai revealed that the game won't receive balances for patches. Sakurai had earlier divulged that has no plans to adjust or balance game play since by doing so, such would become a never-ending process.

Rather, Sakurai added that the development team will focus more on the game's online play and address only important issues once they crop up.

Game Leaks

On a related note, a recent data leak showed details of removed characters and stages on the Wii U and 3DS version of the game. These lead to "Rhythm Heaven" content as well as arenas based on "Brain Age" and "Dr. Mario."

The leaked files were made through data mining efforts of a certain 'Spinosaurus' who found references to viruses when in character creation mode. Apparently these alleged viruses could be used to give characters special abilities when in a Dr. Mario theme stage. This however remains unconfirmed for now.

Then there is also another arena called "Diary" and braintraining found in the stage files, possibly leading to a Brain Stage as well.