'Super Smash Bros' for Wii U: 15 additional levels with new update

15 new levels are added in the new update for Super Smash Bros for Wii U.Super Smash Bros Facebook page

"Super Smash Bros." for Wii U gets a new update containing 15 additional stages for the game's 8-player mode. 

Nintendo of Japan announced on Jan. 29 that the new version 1.0.2 update that comes with a 316 MB downloadable content is now available for free. It is composed of nine new regular levels as well as six types of Final Destination levels intended for the 8-player format to add to the limited number of levels that came when the fighting game was released. 

The list of the additional game levels that comes with the new update includes:

Regular stages

  • Mario Circuit (X)
  • Luigi's Mansion
  • Pyrosphere
  • Norfair
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Animal Crossing - Town and City
  • Animal Crossing - Smashville
  • Wii Fit Studio

Special Final Destination stages

  • Mario Galaxy
  • Mario Circuit (X)
  • Kirby: The Great Cave Offensive
  • Lylat Cruise
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Animal Crossing - Town and City

The 8-player mode featured in last year's installment of "Super Smash Bros." for Wii U initially earned doubts from gamers who were concerned with the crowding of players on a screen. But as soon as they discovered that Nintendo did a good job in ensuring that gamers can enjoy playing against each other at a time, the multi-player mode was easily appreciated.

The Wii U version of "Super Smash Bros." launched last year can be considered as one of the most successful Wii U titles in the U.S. In its first three days alone, Nintendo sold over 490,000 digital and physical copies of the game. Currently, the company recorded over 3.39 million units sold all over the country. 

Meanwhile, the 3DS version of "Super Smash Bros." is also doing well in the market, with 6.19 million copies sold all over the world. 

There is no word yet if Nintendo is still planning on releasing another big update anytime soon.